
A new chapter

So, yesterday I signed a contract. My book ”World of Women” is being published as an audiobook! I don’t think I have fully wrapped my head around it because it is so hard to understand. Sure, my dream was to actually get a book published physically, like you can touch it and give it away as a gift to people but this is totally okay also, and a huge step in the right direction. If it goes well, the publisher said it might be printed further down the road.

It’s just dawning on me now that this means that potentially, in a few months, people will be able to listen to my book. The book that I’ve been working on since 2016 (yes, it’s true) and the book that, in so many ways, exposes me and shows people parts of me that I haven’t showed anyone before. Then again, that is what being an author is all about. If I wasn’t willing to expose my inner self, I would have another dream. I guess being a writer in large part means to be exposed, or maybe it’s a way to say things without actually saying it.

People do have a tendency to read too much into books as well. I know my book reveals things about me that is delicate but I also believe that people in general tends to think it reveals more than it actually does. In some ways I doesn’t matter, I guess. All I want is for people to listen to my book and enjoy as entertainment. Then, I will be happy.

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