
Hi there creator!

This blog is for you. Everyone is a creator – one way or another. I myself am an artist, writer and designer. Ever since I was a child, about seven years old, I’ve been painting, writing and sewing. Oils, water colors, books, essays, blogs, dresses, quilts, stuffed animals, you name it. I did it. Lately, the question of time has become an issue though. Having two kids to take care of, a husband to ”entertain” and a full time job doesn’t leave a lot of room to be creative. And when there is room (time wise) there might not be energy. I’m convinced you know EXACTLY what I’m talking about. In these trying times, you need to become a thief. A thief who steals time. That is what this blog is about. Stealing time. I just did, a few minutes. Did you notice?

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